Componistenportret Robert Nasveld


Niek Vente and Corien van den Berg, piano

Tobias Greenhalgh, baritone

Chris Bruckman, piano

Leo van Doeselaar, organ

Marian Bolt, piano

Mosa Trio: Alexander van Beveren (violin), Paul Stavridis (cello), Bram de Vree (piano)


As a pianist, Robert Nasveld is best known as a performer of the work of Georg Crumb. Nasveld also wrote an oeuvre for various formations; he selected a number of works from this for tonight. The reason for Robert Nasveld's composer portrait in the Orgelpark is the rarely performed composition Organ talk.


1.     Traumblätter (Dream Leaves) (2007) voor piano vierhandig                                  

-              Das unruhige Einschafen (Falling asleep restlessly)

-              Traumtropfen (Dreamdrops)

-              Traum des Mädchens am Spinnrad (Dream of the girl at the spinning-wheel)

-              Traum der Geliebten die sich nicht verstehen können (Dream of the beloved who cannot agree)

-              Ungeduldiger Traumwächter (Impatient Watchman of Dreams)

-              Déjà-entendu Traum (‘Déjà-entendu’ Dream)

-              Karussell nächtlicher Gedanken (Merry-go-round of nightly thoughts)

-              Letzter süsser Traum des Lebens (Last sweet Dream of Life)

(Corien van den Berg en Niek de Vente, piano)

2.     Hanging around (2003) voor piano trio                                                                  

(Mosa Trio: Alexandra van Beveren, viool; Paul Stavridis, cello;

Bram de Vree, piano)

3.     Imaginations I (1978) voor bariton en piano                       

(Tobias Greenhalgh, bariton; Chris Bruckman, piano)


4.     Jubilant Mind (2024)  wereldpremière                                                                   

(Marian Bolt, piano)

5.     Organ Talk (2011)                                                                                                    

-              Pipe Talk

-              Pep Talk

-              Small Talk (Prietpraat)

-              Shop Talk (Vakpraat)

(Leo van Doeselaar, orgel(s)

6.     Imaginations II (1985) melodrama voor bariton en piano (en een pop)                 (Tobias Greenhalgh, bariton; Chris Bruckman, piano)

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