
Once in a while, the Orgelpark invites an artist to create a 'tutorial': a movie that shows, for example, how composing, music-making, or improvising 'works'. What choices to make, what sources to select, how to interpret them? The Orgelpark tutorials are accessible below.


The tutorials aim to provide musicians and artists additional insight in de sound worlds that organ represent – each organ has its very own sonic identity – and how the sounds can be used to create a wide diversity of musics and sound art works.



Orgelpark Research Program

The tutorials are part of the Orgelpark Research Program. The projects initiated by the Program focus on the ways organs function in the 21st century, leading, for example, to developing new perspectives on music and musicking. 


Each year the Orgelpark presents the International Orgelpark Symposium, in the first week of June. The results are published in freely accessible Research Reports; the books contain beyond text also music and films, as they are state of the art e-books. No special readers are required: a web browser fully suffices.


The Orgelpark publishes the Reports in close cooperation with the Chair Organ Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 





Tutorial Ben van Oosten | Verschueren organ

Tutorial Ben van Oosten | Verschueren organ

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The Orgelpark originated from the ideals of the Utopa foundation.

With its own initiatives, the Utopa Foundation offers people space to develop their creative talents and further.

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