Symposiumconcert: Global Hyperorgan

Het Internationale Orgelpark Symposium vindt dit jaar plaats op donderdag 6, vrijdag 7 en zaterdag 8 juni. Elke avond is er een concert; vanavond is dat een 'Global Hyperorgan Concert', te geven door ensemble TCP/IP in zowel Amsterdam als Berlijn. Het symposium is geheel Engelstalig; vandaar dat ook deze aankondiging verder in het Engels is.

International Orgelpark Symposium 2024

The 2024 edition of the International Orgelpark Symposium focuses on 'interfaces' in the widest sense, 'interface' being not only a useful word for the consoles that allow organists to play organs, but also for the space(s) where the fields of the organ and that of the church touch one another, if not overlap. 


Global Hyperorgan Concert

Tonight's concert addresses a very practical and down-to-earth, yet also very promising and fascinating aspect of hyperorgan interfaces: they can be connected via the internet. That is to say: organists elsewhere can play the hyperorgan at the Orgelpark (i.e. the digital console that controls both the Sauer Organ and the Utopa Baroque Organ), and organist playing that very hyperorgan can play organs elsewhere in the world. Since the corona pandemic this way making music together rapidly gained interest and relevance; it is offically called 'telematic musicking'.


One of the ensembles that developed a professional approach to this type of music-making, in fact connecting onsite and online music, is the Swedish group TCP/IP. Its members are Robert Ek, Stefan Östersjö, Mattias Petterson, and Federico Visi. The split up tonight in two duos: Ek and Visi will perform in Berlin, in the Chapel of Reconciliation (integrated in the former Berlin Wall); Östersjö and Petterson in the Orgelpark. Both instruments will be audible in both venues – as soon as we know more about the program, we will publish it here!







Word GastVriend van het Orgelpark

Word GastVriend voor slechts 80 euro per seizoen en bezoek alle 80 Orgelparkconcerten!

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